Helmetica: Famous Helmets Geometrized

Justin Maller, founder and creative director of modern art collective Depthcore, takes geometric patterns to the next level in ‘Helmetica’, a new series that showcases some of the most famous helmets in history. From Iron Man to Megatron to Darth Vader, and more, Maller’s geometric style works spectacularly throughout. His colour palette is superb, and is incredibly reverent to each of helmet’s status in pop culture.

The prints were created as a series of wallpapers, so head to his website to download your favourite today.

Daft Punk

Daft Punk

Daft Punk

Master Chief

Master Chief

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

Iron Man

Iron Man



Daft Punk/Master Chief Mashup

Daft Chief

Master Chief/Darth Vader Mashup

Master Vader

V – A Tale of Terror