Created by Christina Hess, Animals From History is a wonderful art series that ties together history lessons with detailed illustrations of animal. Each print features a famous historical character portrayed by a cat or dog. Inspired. The artist pairs her illustrations with the life stories of characters like “Cleocatra” and “Joan of Bark”. The portraits themselves are filled with intricate details that make the animals look almost lifelike – the garb alone is so incredibly detailed.
“This collection is a fun way for people to become introduced and reintroduced to history while allowing a twist of imagination to guide their interest forward.”
Bruno the Brave
Cata Hari
Cat Queen (Private Comission – Possibly the beginning of the series?)
Elvis Petme
Jean Lafeet
Jizo Bodhissatva
Joan of Bark
King Henry V
Marie Antoinippe
Miguel Dog Cervantes
ML Jobs
Napoleon Boneaparte
The Fitzgeralds
Via My Modern Met