It’s that time again, where I attempt to regularly give you a run down of a couple of this week’s best and worst single releases. Here goes nothing…
Beyoncé – Run The World (Girls)
When Beyoncé releases a new single, the music world waits with baited breath to hear what exactly the next anthem she’s come up with will sound like. Run The World is just that. It’s an anthem. For women. Who run the world. Yeah, it’s sort of Single Ladies part two, and it’s not quite as good as her track for the obesity campaign she’s doing. As Spherical Notions blogger Joey noted “The fatties bring out the best in her.” And it’s true. But hey, it’s a slow week. And this one’s not horrible.
[audio:|titles=Beyonce – Run The World (Girls)]
Glee Cast – Loser Like Me
This won’t be the first, and certainly not the last, time you’ll hear me rabbit on about how absolutely horribly, ear-crushingly, ridiculously bad everything the Glee cast have ever done is. Loser Like Me is the first “original” track they’ve done. And I say “original” as it’s basically a rip off of Pink’s Raise Your Glass via everything Ke$ha has ever released. If this had been Ke$ha, there’d be far less autotune (Yes. I’m serious), less clothing and more glitter. And she wouldn’t be singing about being a loser. She’d be singing about getting fucked up on acid whilst simultaneously throwing pigeons at passers by screaming “feed the muthaf*cking birds, bitches”. And it’d be better. Much better.