The upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines got pushed back. Again. We’re bummed out, but we figure a delay usually means they’re fixing something or they’re making it better. So, we’re thankful that they’re not rushing it out unfinished… ahem, paging Dead Island.
Onto the good stuff: Sega has come up with an inspired way of teasing waiting fans. They’ve released a cinematic style trailer that shows just what we’re in for. Unfortunately there’s no gameplay, but we’re content with this one because, frankly, it’s pretty awesome.
The trailer shows just how much of the game is based on the Aliens film. It’s creepsome and gross. There’s no confirmed release date as yet, it was promised for Q1 2012 but the push-back will probably see that stretched to Q3 or 4. When it is eventually released, it’ll be for PS3, PC, Xbox 360 and the WiiU (which is due out during the second half of 2012, so the game may be a release week selling-point).
Until then, check out the video and get a little bit excited for what’s to come.