This is a collection of strange and hilarious versions of Disney Princesses (mostly!) with beards. Some of them even suit the Princesses well, which is pretty weird. But it is Movember, so they’ll have to forfeit the beard for a mo’ soon.
Alice in Wonderland aka Alice in Beardland
The Little Mermaid aka The Bearded Mermaid
Atlantis: The Lost Empire aka Beardlantis: The Lost Empire
Beauty and the Beast aka Beauty and the Beard (I would have gone with Beardy and the Beast but there you go)
Cinderella aka Mustacherella
Aladdin aka Beardladdin, featuring Princess Jazzbeard
Mulan aka Mu-long-beard
The Lion King aka The Lion Beard
Pocahontas aka Beardahontas
The Princess and the Frog aka The Princess and the Beard
Sleeping Beauty aka Sleeping Beardy
Via BuzzFeed